or "How to role-play and interact at Roratonga..."
Did you find this page by yourself? Great, obviously you do care about integrating into the role-play community! By all means, keep reading!
Have you been given a link to this page? In this case you better read carefully, because somebody is under the impression that your actions or behavior lack substantially and are not acceptable. You better invest the little time needed to read this and adopt this, if you want to stay at Roratonga.
Please note: We gladly support you in explaining and helping understand rules. We see this as sign of respect and interest and will honor it accordingly.
Scope of Roratonga
Roratonga is a role-play sim in first place, where several factions exist and people interact.Roratonga is not, like many other Dolcett themed sims, a place where people meet to find one play partner to play along a predefined "Story Book"!
And despite our usage of the Gorean Meter, Roratonga is not a Gor Sim (no male supremacy etc.).
Roratonga is a themed sim in the pirates age, roughly 17th century, give or take, and a lot of effort has been made to have a realistic setting and also a backstory! (Link)
We have a set of rules (available at the landing platform) that we assume as "known". Not knowing them is no excuse. Reading the local rules before entering a new place is the least respect that can be expected from everybody.
How to communicate
- Do NOT use IM's to contact strangers, unless you are an official or you are in role-play already and are trying to OOC (Out Of Character) make sure you remain in the comfort zone of the play partners. Abusing IM is seen as soliciting and can get you kicked or banned in the worst case. This includes explicitly also the role-play group (We know that IM are used a lot elsewhere, but this is a role-play sim)
- Do NOT use IM to ask players nonsense like "do you want to get roasted" (especially if said person has a "not edible" role-play tag!), "do you want to be my slave" or "can I be your slave".
- Walk to talk! There were no cellphones in the 17th century, talking, shouting or sending a letter were the only available ways to communicate. Try to represent a credible character in the setting of Roratonga. In other words, stay with public chat, walk / travel if the person is too far away to talk / shout!
- By all means: Do emote!
Roleplay Scope
Role-play is not about finding somebody who enacts your own fantasy as a background actor, following a long predefined list that you give them.
If this is what you are seeking, get yourself an Alt avatar and find one of those sims that consist of a carelessly arranged pile of play props, and have fun there.
Roleplay partners have their own list of "likes" and role-play is about "seeing where the role-play carries us", where all parties involved are guiding and all ought to have fun!
We have role-play tags that allow you a first general idea of what people might be into, and this has to be enough.
We don't accept castaways who only want to get roasted (and nothing else) as we don't accept players who only play with play partner who have a L$10000 mesh avatar!
We recently expanded the sim, in order to broaden the role-play scope. This added a lot of alternate scenarios, if people care to use their imagination. Be open for it, you may be astonished how much fun unexpected turns of the story may be!
(Brainstrom / WIP below)
Emoting vs Menu hopping
Role-play is so much more than only clicking more or less randomly though the menu items of a play device.The most important ingredient to a role-play is expressing your own thoughts and sensations. This is called emoting.
Less than 50% of the action in a good role-play usually is supported by
- NOB avatar but expecting others to be top mesh is not acceptable
(Image created by female Roratonga players)
- not acceptable to interact only with players who have a L$10000 mesh avatar. This is rude and asocial
(Image created by female Roratonga players)
- Outfit not fitting the era -> educate
- no collared/ chained slaves walking around, seeking a mistress or a master. We don't have slave handlers or masters/mistresses- no submissive slaves, slaves here are caught and enslaved and their character hates it, would like to escape
- Self sufficient slaves are ok
- Slave trade / auction may become part of the sim, if we have people who take the trader part and who like the kick to be auctioned off (for a limited RP scene. The merchandise there will "non consensual" however.
GM Use
- Reseting the GM is not allowed, unless all involved agree- Logout after fight with unwanted outcome is a breach of Rules!
One-dimensional RP
Roratonga doesn't aim at individual players who intend to play a one-dimensional roleplay routine without space for variation and without interaction with thirdsIf you seek that, you most likely are at the wrong place and should consider to play at one of those device-focussed sims
Points System
This is an illustrative example on how a fictive role-player would perceive actions of another player, meant as a guidance, we don't do math.Arriving at the sim, a new player has a "roleplay score" of zero points
Loosing points
-99pt: Doing anything of the following AFTER being told to read this!
-80pt: Teleport others into the sim (in modern clothing, no tag etc.)
-60pt: Teleport to RP ground in modern clothing!
-60pt: Remove GM at RP ground
-50pt: Soliciting outside of RP, via IM, be it from the welcome platform to players on ground or even worse inside the group
-50%: Inquire in an intrusive manner about RL facts like age, sex, location.
-50%: Failing to emote in RP, hopping through a device menu is no RP
-40pt: "Fun people", making the sim their personal fun park
-40pt: to IM a non victim role about dolcett roleplay with her in a victim role
-30pt Ignoring a "no"
-20pt: Having not read the rules
-20pt Send stupid IM's from the platform, mostly about predefining roleplay.
-10pt: Having a Nob looking avatar after months and years in SL, walking like a duck (no AO): This person doesn't care about the own impression
Getting points
+50pt: Emote
Have a roleplay story / background / be "somebody"
Take interest in others, outside of your classic prey scheme
Aim to entertain others with your roleplay as well, not only yourself
Mingle with other factions
Put some effort in your appearance (avatar / outfit). This needn't be mesh, a classic avatar can be tweaked
Put some effort in roleplay ideas that involve also thirds or a whole group
Avoid unrealistic behavior
Score and consequences
Positive: Great
Down zero down to -50pt: Needs getting taught
Between -50 and -70 pt: Will be ignored
Less than -70pt: You are considered to be damaging to the sim
Less than -100pt: Immediate kick / Ban considered