The Roratonga Backstory

(Note: This can only be a momentary picture. The backstory evolves and is outlined by the players!)

 (This page is currently being edited, excuse imperfections)


Roratonga archipelago offers a wide range of roleplay themes, ranging from very kinky “capture and roleplay” on to medieval roleplay around trading, living in an abandoned outpost and tribal life in a Aztek-inspired native tribe.

This field of tension offers a variety of very unique roleplay options. Please read on to learn more about this.

Roratonga uses the “Gorean Meter” for combat metering, but is not GOR!
This means that GOR rules on weapons don’t necessarily apply. In case of irritations, use IM to discuss and clarify the mater, no drama please! Weapons are used to enhance roleplay options, but good roleplay, particularly emoting, are more important.


The general setting

The two islands of the Roratonga Achipelago are off usual ship routes and not to be found on most official maps.

Nevertheless, terrible storms often drive ships off their intended routes and smash them onto the dangerous reefs off Roratonga’s coast.

The archipelago has two islands, the island of Roratonga and the island of Pakapuka also called “Island of Xōchiquetzal” by the local tribe.

The islands



Roratonga is the main island of the archipelago.

The island looks like a paradise, but is inhabited by a tribe of cannibals and has a fauna and flora that make it a dangerous place to be, especially for castaways.

As if this was not enough, Pirates maintain a stronghold on the island and add the risk of being enslaved (or worse) to the list of dangers.


Pakapuka, or as the natives call it “ Island of Xōchiquetzal” (Xōchiquetzal was an aztek goddess of moon, earth, flowers, love, dances and games) could not be more different from Roratonga.

Inhabited by a tribe of Aztec jaguar warriors, it is rather a place of beauty and fertility than horror and death.

A small western outpost is tolerated by the children of Xōchiquetzal, as the tribe calls themselves, as long as the rules of the tribe are respected.


Tavel between the islands

Roratonga is generally avoided by ships. Only a few Pirates know a safe passage for their big ship, what makes Roratonga an ideal place for undisturbed illegal business.

Pakapuka is once in a while visited by travelers from outside. Its remote location make it interesting for slave traders and other questionable characters, but also for a few smart traders who got to know about the natural resources of the archipelago, namely gold, sulfur, potassium nitrate and pearls.

Small boats, be it the ferry of the traders, be it outrigger canoes of the natives can cross the 10 miles between the islands, but fierce breakers prevent castaways from leaving Roratonga.

The factions


The pirates are a mixed lot. You can never be sure what you’re meeting in a pirate: an innocent adventurer fallen on hard times, or a greedy cutthroat, a pervert, rapist and sadist, or a refugee from religious or political persecution. Others may even be loyal subjects of their monarch, ‘legal’ privateers with royal charters granting them leave to loot the ships of competing powers. So not all pirates were evil buccaneers, though of course many hardened criminals were among their ranks. You can meet all sorts!

Pirates roam freely between the two islands. Especially the tavern of Pakapuka, but also its brothel and slave trade are points of attraction.

Greedy cutthroats

Dangerous criminals, felons, gangsters that are pursuing their cutthroat careers in the Caribbean.

Pirate Quartermasters

These try to press provisions and useful items out of everyone they meet.


These are always on the lookout for captives – especially girls - they can sell for a good price, or use for their own service and pleasure.


These are mostly people who have fled to the Caribbean to escape persecution in their country for religious or political reasons - innocent people that have been criminalised by a corrupt justice system. Or they may be escaping from unhappiness at home – from unloving parents or spouses or a failed love affair. They may even be motivated simply by wanderlust and curiosity to see the world.


The cannibals are native to the main island of Roratonga. Among their many gods, goddesses and spirits of land and water, Roratonga the most important, a deity with both male and female attributes, who is believed to dwell in the depths of the old volcano crater, and after whom their land is named. Roratonga is appeased by regular sacrificial offerings, when human captives are hurled into the crater to be consumed by the deity. They believe that the frequent storms and shipwrecks off the shores of their island are a gift from Roratonga, a reward for their faith.

The volcano is a source of a wealth too, gold and sulfur can be found near it in abundance. The savages do not value it as much as others on the island do, though they take pleasure in body ornaments made with the shining metal and precious stones found on the island. Hoards of such trinkets are hidden in caves, not for fear of robbers but as offerings to the spirits of their ancestors, whose bones are laid in the same dark places.

But cannibalism is the most important and distinctive part of their life-world, one the elders of the village believe brings them supernatural powers. Through it the young warriors are said to acquire the physical attributes of their enemies. The more skeptical among the young warriors think human flesh at least makes an enjoyable change from a daily diet of fish. Some of the elders teach that the proper tenderizing of captured meat requires the arousal of strong emotions in the victim, of lust or anger, some even believe the gods are displeased with roasts that are not properly aroused. But others believe just the opposite, that passive submission to suffering makes the meat more tender. There is endless dispute between these two groups, it will never be settled.

Special spells and recipes for ointments made from herbs that only can be found on the island are passed from generation to generation, these too are intended to help make the gods happy.


(This role is being redefined, player input welcome)

They are the natives of Pakapuka, with the same roots as the cannibals. They generally believe in the right of all beings to life. For this reason, they don't get on well with the pirates or the cannibals.

Despite this, a fragile trade has emerged, besides the main attraction of the island for male visitors, the cult of Mother Goddess.

The Savages are a mixed lot. Most are peaceful fishers, collectors and also priestesses of the Mother Goddess, but the hunters and warriors fierce fighters if attacked.

The relationship with the Cannibals

Cannibals and Savages share a common root, although their ways parted long ago.

In general, the relationship between the neighbors is a peaceful and friendly one, as no party is interested in a war between neighbors.

And while some savages went missing, it could not be determined if they fell victim to a shark or ended in other ways.

The Noble Savages of Pakapuka believe in various gods and supernatural entities.

The Mother Goddess
The cult of the Mother Goddess is followed only by females who share their bodies, the gift of the Mother, with any men who wish to honor her.

The Sea God

The fishermen among the Noble Savages have great respect for this god.

Minor Spirits
There are many lesser nature-spirits in the belief-system of the noble Savages. These live typically in ancient trees, groves, pools etc. Most of these are believed to be benevolent spirits. However popular belief speaks of several evil spirits, these live mostly close to the Cannibals’ camps, and are supposed to be called up by their frequently shedding the blood of innocents.

((Be ready to emote and seduce, rather than shooting around))


People unfortunate enough to have shipwrecked on the cannibal island, most of the time with no more than their clothes, and often not even those. They are trying to survive and to get away from the islands. However, even though other islands are within sight, they are too far away to swim, even if there were no sharks in the water, and building boats with bare hands is an almost impossible endeavor. Noble Savages and the Military are the people that could potentially help them, but they lack organization and equipment, and, cut off as the archipelago is, with more and more castaways being washed ashore, these groups are less generous with their help than they have been in the past.

((Castaways cannot travel to Pakapuka, unless they are led by somebody))

The Traders (role name may change)

The small outpost on Pakapuka island is a center of slave trade and trafficking.

Far off any governmental control, standards of western culture apply, but who knows what goes on behind locked doors!

The biggest house is a brothel and slave trade, but the tavern and the black smith are important parts of it as well.

((Traders can travel between the islands using a ferry. They may be traders, disguised pirates and slavers, even explorers, even travelers who came to the port for a stop only, or maybe because they are curious about certain rumors about a cannibals island))

Survivors (role currently not available)

People shipwrecked on the shores of Rakahanga, most of the time with no more than their clothes, and often not even those. They are trying to survive and to get away from the islands. However, even though Manihiki with its stronghold is near, they are too far away to swim, even if there were no sharks in the water, and building boats with bare hands is an almost impossible endeavor. Noble Savages and the Military are the people that could potentially help them, but they lack organisation and equipment, and, cut off as the archipelago is, with more and more castaways being washed ashore, these groups are less generous with their help than they have been in the past.

((Currently this role is the same as Castaways))


Caribbean fauna, sufficiently exotic, mysterious and – in some cases- dangerous, in other cases pets, without any need for fanciful creatures.
((Animals can roam between the islands using the boats but any vore roleplay should be restricted to Roratonga))

Emoting Basics

Borrowed from here:

1. Second life chat mechanics

On an RP SIM, roleplay occurs directly in local chat. This is both to improve immersion and to let everyone to join in. More importantly it helps to actively separate OOC / IC by reserving IMs and group chat for OOC chatter alone.

When speaking in local chat, there's a few different ways to communicate.
Normal text : The easiest way to say something is to simply say it in local chat. There's no need for quotation marks, as it's obvious that you're speaking aloud. Note that the text in local chat is identified by your second life display name. So if your display name is John, typing "What's up man?" in local chat would appear as "John : What's up man?". This mode is rarely used for roleplay.
Emote text : You usually use it when your character is doing something as they are speaking or doing something that doesn't involve speech at all. It is similar to speaking in local chat except that you add "/me" in front. For example if your Second life display name is Hendrix, typing "/me looks at you" would appear as "John looks at you"
OOC brackets (( )) : Using (( )) around your text let's other role-players know that it is you (the typist) and not your character who is speaking. Most roleplay SIMs (including Asphyxiation Point) limit OOC text in local chat. If you must direct OOC communication to a specific person, please do so in IMs. Use OOC in local chat only if you need to address everyone in the vicinity. For example ((Brb)).

Please note that abbreviations such as Brb, l8r, cya which are okay for OOC chatter must never be used in roleplay.

2. How to emote

By discussing emote text, we have already introduced the basics of the mechanics of emoting. As described in the previous section, simply using /me is enough to describe an action.

If you want to take this one step further and speak while making an emote, you would additionally need to use quotation marks. Kind of like you would do if you were writing a book. Let us take John again and look at some examples
/me is sharpening his blade.
Typing this will result in "John is sharpening his blade."
This is simply describing an action which is what we described previously.
/me is busy sharpening his blade when he hears the distinct sound of footsteps on the pavement behind the trash bin he was sitting next to. "Who the hell is there!?" he calls out as he rises quickly switch blade in hand.
This one's a little more dynamic. All of the text will show up as an emote, but the quotation marks denote that John said something.

Note that it looks a little like a line you'd read in a book -- that's the general idea when typing out emotes and why emoting forms such an integral part of roleplay. Over time, most experienced role-players automatically fall back to communicating in this manner even if their emote may be as simple as "/me smiles as he looks over at him and says... blah blah blah"

3. What to emote

So now that you know how to emote, the next question that automatically arises is what to emote. We have already covered two of the basics :
What your character is saying. --- Words
What your character is doing --- Actions

This basic list can be augmented with many more elements to make your emotes richer
Sight, smell, sound, taste etc. etc. .................................................................................................. Environment
Any physical attributes / features of your character that are worth calling attention to ....... Character
Body language and facial expressions ........................................................................................... Reactions

However, care must be taken to make sure of two things :
Ensure you are not saying a lot about nothing at all. No one wants to read an essay about how awesome the bowl of water you are sipping is or how luscious your breasts are. Any emote must somehow add to the story or enhance the environment you find yourself in (more on this in when to emote).
Express thoughts in a manner that others can respond to. For example, if you were to roleplay "John watches the man's antics and thinks what an idiot he is", the only usable part of the emote is the fact that John watches the man's antics. Your fellow roleplayer has no way of responding to your thoughts. If you are to instead roleplay "John snorts derisively as he watches the man's antics.", your fellow roleplayer can now respond to your post. The first example is what is usually referred to as a "thought emote" and is frowned upon in any RP venue.

4. When to emote

Asphyxiation Point is a turn-based paragraph-roleplay venue. In other words, you must wait for everyone else in the scene to post once before you post again. This typically forces your posts to be longer as well as you are now reacting to everything that people around you said or did in a given round of posts. This requirement is usually relaxed in large group settings such as events but care must still be taken to maintain Post Order with other role-players in your immediate vicinity or

It is also good manners to wait until you have observed at least one round of posts before posting in. This allows you to identify what roleplay is in progress and whether the situation is lighthearted, tense or outright troublesome before you start interacting with roleplayers already in the scene.

5. Breaking the ice

Another component to the "when" arises when you are not really sure how to get involved in a scene. Below we detail some very simple ways to break the ice :
Ask a question : This may be asking where you may find a room for the night or asking where the nearest bar is. This is probably the most direct means to approach someone you don't know same as in RL. This approach is probably easiest if you find someone who is alone or opens themselves up for questions such as by putting themselves in a service oriented role.
Observe and react : If you find a group of people conversing between themselves and are not sure how to break into their conversation, its probably a good idea to just emote your way in and situate your character near them. At this point you can try and figure out what the current conversation is about and react accordingly.
Take proactive action : Breaking into roleplay can be hard if you keep waiting for someone to invite you in. If you can initiate roleplay, people automatically want to roleplay with you. And initiating roleplay is easy if you set yourself upon a quest. More on this on the Character Creation page !
Look for a different setting : Occasionally the scene in progress may simply be too intense to break into. If you ask about getting a motel room when the cops are having a shootout with the thugs, your question is probably going to be ignored. Walking around to find a different scene may not be a bad idea in this case.

Roleplay Do's and Don'ts..

or "How to role-play and interact at Roratonga..."

Did you find this page by yourself? Great, obviously you do care about integrating into the role-play community! By all means, keep reading!

Have you been given a link to this page? In this case you better read carefully, because somebody is under the impression that your actions or behavior lack substantially and are not acceptable. You better invest the little time needed to read this and adopt this, if you want to stay at Roratonga.

Please note: We gladly support you in explaining and helping understand rules. We see this as sign of respect and interest and will honor it accordingly.

Scope of Roratonga

Roratonga is a role-play sim in first place, where several factions exist and people interact.

Roratonga is not, like many other Dolcett themed sims, a place where people meet to find one play partner to play along a predefined "Story Book"!

And despite our usage of the Gorean Meter, Roratonga is not a Gor Sim (no male supremacy etc.).

Roratonga is a themed sim in the pirates age, roughly 17th century, give or take, and a lot of effort has been made to have a realistic setting and also a backstory! (Link)

We have a set of rules (available at the landing platform) that we assume as "known". Not knowing them is no excuse. Reading the local rules before entering a new place is the least respect that can be expected from everybody.

How to communicate

  • Do NOT use IM's to contact strangers, unless you are an official or you are in role-play already and are trying to OOC (Out Of Character) make sure you remain in the comfort zone of the play partners. Abusing IM is seen as soliciting and can get you kicked or banned in the worst case. This includes explicitly also the role-play group (We know that IM are used a lot elsewhere, but this is a role-play sim)

  • Do NOT use IM to ask players nonsense like "do you want to get roasted" (especially if said person has a "not edible" role-play tag!), "do you want to be my slave" or "can I be your slave".
  • Walk to talk! There were no cellphones in the 17th century, talking, shouting or sending a letter were the only available ways to communicate. Try to represent a credible character in the setting of Roratonga. In other words, stay with public chat, walk / travel if the person is too far away to talk / shout!

  • By all means: Do emote!

Roleplay Scope

Role-play is not about finding somebody who enacts your own fantasy as a background actor, following a long predefined list that you give them.
If this is what you are seeking, get yourself an Alt avatar and find one of those sims that consist of a carelessly arranged pile of play props, and have fun there.

Roleplay partners have their own list of "likes" and role-play is about "seeing where the role-play carries us", where all parties involved are guiding and all ought to have fun!

We have role-play tags that allow you a first general idea of what people might be into, and this has to be enough.
We don't accept castaways who only want to get roasted (and nothing else) as we don't accept players who only play with play partner who have a L$10000 mesh avatar!

We recently expanded the sim, in order to broaden the role-play scope. This added a lot of alternate scenarios, if people care to use their imagination. Be open for it, you may be astonished how much fun unexpected turns of the story may be!

(Brainstrom / WIP below)

Emoting vs Menu hopping

Role-play is so much more than only clicking more or less randomly though the menu items of a play device.
The most important ingredient to a role-play is expressing your own thoughts and sensations. This is called emoting.
Less than 50% of the action in a good role-play usually is supported by


- NOB avatar but expecting others to be top mesh is not acceptable

(Image created by female Roratonga players)

- fit the 17th century, more or less (no fantasy characters except mermaids and similar "pirate tale compatible" things, no modern outfits / we will grant newbies some slack)
- not acceptable to interact only with players who have a L$10000 mesh avatar. This is rude and asocial

(Image created by female Roratonga players)

- naked male, nob avatar, duck walk with hardon -> Kick
- Outfit not fitting the era -> educate


- no collared/ chained slaves walking around, seeking a mistress or a master. We don't have slave handlers or masters/mistresses
- no submissive slaves, slaves here are caught and enslaved and their character hates it, would like to escape
- Self sufficient slaves are ok
- Slave trade / auction may become part of the sim, if we have people who take the trader part and who like the kick to be auctioned off (for a limited RP scene. The merchandise there will "non consensual" however.

GM Use

- Reseting the GM is not allowed, unless all involved agree
- Logout after fight with unwanted outcome is a breach of Rules!

One-dimensional RP

Roratonga doesn't aim at individual players who intend to play a one-dimensional roleplay routine without space for variation and without interaction with thirds
If you seek that, you most likely are at the wrong place and should consider to play at one of those device-focussed sims

Points System

This is an illustrative example on how a fictive role-player would perceive actions of another player, meant as a guidance, we don't do math.
Arriving at the sim, a new player has a "roleplay score" of zero points

Loosing points
-99pt: Doing anything of the following AFTER being told to read this!
-80pt: Teleport others into the sim (in modern clothing, no tag etc.)
-60pt:  Teleport to RP ground in modern clothing!
-60pt: Remove GM at RP ground
-50pt: Soliciting outside of RP, via IM, be it from the welcome platform to players on ground or even worse inside the group
-50%: Inquire in an intrusive manner about RL facts like age, sex, location.
-50%: Failing to emote in RP, hopping through a device menu is no RP
-40pt: "Fun people", making the sim their personal fun park
-40pt: to IM a non victim role about dolcett roleplay with her in a victim role
-30pt Ignoring a "no"
-20pt: Having not read the rules
-20pt Send stupid IM's from the platform, mostly about predefining roleplay.
-10pt: Having a Nob looking avatar after months and years in SL, walking like a duck (no AO): This person doesn't care about the own impression

Getting points
+50pt: Emote
Have a roleplay story / background / be "somebody"
Take interest in others, outside of your classic prey scheme
Aim to entertain others with your roleplay as well, not only yourself
Mingle with other factions
Put some effort in your appearance (avatar / outfit). This needn't be mesh, a classic avatar can be tweaked
Put some effort in roleplay ideas that involve also thirds or a whole group
Avoid unrealistic behavior

Score and consequences
Positive: Great
Down zero down to -50pt: Needs getting taught
Between -50 and -70 pt: Will be ignored
Less than -70pt: You are considered to be damaging to the sim
Less than -100pt: Immediate kick / Ban considered

The new island...

On clear days, an island can be seen from the remote island of Roratonga! An island that is too far away to swim over, but that can be reached by those who have a suitable boat!

The island is inhabited by a rather peaceful tribe, who permit a trading post on their soil.
There is a treaty between the inhabitants of the trading post and the tribe to coexist peacefully and respect each other.

Its name is Xochiquetzal, named after an Aztec goddess of fertility.
As this name is a tongue-breaker for travelers, the westerners gave it the name "Pakapuka", as they can't remember the Aztec name.
So much for the draft back story, that is to evolve, as "inhabitants" pour in.

The island

Largely covered by jungle, the island offers many nice spots to spend sensuous moments, but also some hidden forest glades, where darker business may be taking place.
Boats can be used to travel between the islands.
Evidently Castaways don't have boats however, so they can only get there as leashed prisoners, led by their captor!

As a temporary means, there will be a boat standing near the pirates place. Board (walk into) it to get teleported up.
Later we will refine the travel a bit!

Residents of the island know about the "practices" going on on their neighbor island but are smart enough to simply turn a blind eye, as long as they are not bothered!

The natives village and tribe

The exact scope of this tribe is yet to be defined... by the tribe, in coordination with the owner. 

As a starting point, the tribe is assumed to be a peaceful bunch with Aztec/Mayan roots, possibly they worship a fertility goddess and are peaceful fishermen and women.
This is the staring point only, we shall see where it takes us.

The tribe lives in a small village near the shores of the island.

"Jobs" at the village:
- Shaman
- Priestess / medicine man
- Chief - Tribe members
- other...

The trading post

Like any medieval trading post, the core piece of the place is the tavern.

Rarely ever a ship makes it to this remote location, also because its waters are known to be dangerous.

The tavern is the center of the little settlements, where all sorts of people meet, from pirates to peaceful traders.

Tavern wenches entertain the guests with food, drinks, dances and what ever money can buy.

The tavern even has a small guest quarter for tired travelers.

Next to the tavern, slave traders have a house with included brothel!

There is also a forge and a general store.

As the name implies, all factions get to this place mainly to trade or interact in other peaceful ways.
However, there may be clandestine activities going on, all over the place!

Those who disturb the peaceful trade in unjustified ways are captured and brought to justice! They may be sold as slaves or executed (banned! Please use your brain. We don't need people who think they can raid the brothel and such nonsense, pissing off others)

"Jobs" at the town
- Inn Keeper(s) (with a certain understanding for activities in the back room that nobody should see)
- Tavern Wench(es)
- Slave trader(s) / Pimps who hunt their prey on Roratonga only or externally as well and sell / auction their wares.
- Whores / Dancers
- Blacksmith(s)
- Others... be imaginative


Cannibals, Pirates and small, harmless Animal can travel to the island!
Castaways cannot, except as prisoners on a leash.

Cannibals may for example sell slaves that are not edible, buy slaves (but be smart enough not to reveal that they are cannibals and they must respect roleplay tag limitations), or have some agreement with the brothel, or sell sulfur that is sought to make black powder etc...

Pirates will be traveling between their outpost and the trading post anyway. Some may even pretend to be honorable trading post citizens "at day" and be horrible rapists on Roratonga "at night".


While the new island offers roleplay opportunities for those who are not into cannibalism and hard core stuff, it adds many roleplay options for all who like that!

Roratonga Traps

Roratonga uses Traps to create protected areas for undisturbed CARP roleplay

Those traps would be seen as "cheating" in Gor, but Roratonga is not Gor nor does Roratonga currently support raids for the time being.
All camps except the ones of the Castaways and Animals are protected by traps.

Function of the Trap

The trap covers a certain area and identifies each intruder, checking if they are a member of the local faction.
If not, it checks if the intruder is on a local guest list.

If either is true, the trap doesn't react.
Otherwise it starts firing GM projectiles at the intruder. This stops only when the intruder is down or if the intruder has left the area of coverage of the trap.

Inviting guests

Members of the "home faction" can use the Roratonga HUD to invite guests.
To do so, the "bear trap" area of the HUD is touched. This works in both states of the HUD.
A dialog is invoked.


Already invited guests are displayed under "Currently allowed guests"

Nearby players are presented for selection via buttons, but any player can be entered manually using the "OTHER" button.
Please note that only players that are present in the region will be added to the traps "guest list"!

If the adding to guest list was successful, several things happen:
- The player is notified about his guest status via IM: For example: "Pirates trap: xxxxxxx Resident invited you to be a guest at Pirates lair."
- The host gets a confirmation that the player has been invited. For example: For example: "Pirates trap: 'xxxxxxx' is now for 3 hours allowed as a guest to your lair."

Excluding guests

If a player was on the guest list already, the same procedure as for inviting him is used to exclude him from the guest list.

If this was successful, several things happen
- The player is removed from the guest list and notified:
- The host gets a confirmation about the successful removal: "Pirates trap: You removed 'xxxxxxx' from the guest list of your lair. They will be attacked as soon they enter again."

Roratonga HUD and Hovertext

Get the devices currently from the "INFO" giver, right of the Teleporters!

The Hovertext

The Hovertext has the following functions:
- Display your role (read from the experience)
- Display your personal roleplay preferences and limits

The Teleporters check for a hovertext and attach a temporary one, if none is detected. This gets detached and lost however upon logout!

Generally on using SL Dialogs:

Never close a dialog using "x" or "ignore" unless it becomes unresponsive. Always use the "Done" button.

Preferences Setup

There are two ways to setup your preferences:
1. First attaching of a hovertext initiates the setup
2. Using the Roratonga HUD, Preferences configuration

Please note: You must not teleport or engage in a combat during preferences setup.

Role Description:
You may add a sub role like "hunter" etc. (You are not allowed to give yourself leader roles like "King" or such, without approval by owner!)

Raise Text:
A way to alter the position of the text (0 to 9)

Personal preferences:

It is your good right to not display preferences. You can hide them all or "not specify" individually.
However, if you do so, you are NOT entitled to complain if people read it as "no limits" and don't respect what they cannot see. It is your obligation to make eventual limits known to potential roleplay partners early in the roleplay.

Hide Prefs:
Disable the Preferences display for all preferences

Sexual Preferences:
What kind of sexual encounters are you open for.
⚤ = heterosexual
⚥ = bisexual
♀ = lesbian
♂ = gay
⚲ = asexual

Dolcett Preferences:
Are you "ok" with temporary roleplay death (food for Cannibals or other executions)
🍴= edible / OK with temporary death
♥ = not edible / keep it survivable

The Roratonga HUD

The new Roratonga HUD has two appearances:

 HUD Closed and minimized

 HUD opened

The two states are toggled by touching the wood of the treasure chest.

Position the HUD on your screen moving the open Box!

These are the active areas of the HUD:

Please note that "Trap" functionality is directly accessible also in the "minimized" state!

Get User Role: You may query the database for an users role (eg. Castaway, Pirate, etc) in case the Hovertext doesn't work

You may resize the HUD according to your preferences. Please note that the resizing script acts on the current state. By closing the HUD while keeping the script open, you may also resize the "small chest"

For future use (trading, collecting etc.)

Initiate user preferences setup, as explained in the Hovertext chapter

You may control the traps that are protecting your own home only! Be close to the home and click on the bear trap to invoke the dialog.
The function of the traps and interaction with the HUD are explained here.

Using the Roratonga Teleporters

At Roratonga, we use unique teleporters that do way more than just teleporting you somewhere.

Among other things, the teleporters are setting your role.
Your role will be displayed by the Roratonga hovertext.
Just touch the role that you'd like to assume and get teleported to the home camp of said rule

For it to be a one-touch experience, we are using advanced SL functionality.

The Teleporter tests if you meed the criteria to be teleported down:
If the Gorean Meter is missing, it will refuse the teleport and ask you to attach the Gorean Meter first.
If you don't have the Roratonga Experience, it will offer it to you. If you refuse it, it will not transport you, sorry.

Once everything is fine, it teleports you, setting your role to whatever you chose.
You can change it at any time by simply using a different teleport.

However, please always consider the requirements for a realistic roleplay experience:
  • Don't jump roles within short periods
  • Wear an outfit / weapons that fit the chosen role
  • Respect other players and their comfort zones. We are all here to have fun!